
ml contains the code base to process glycan for machine learning, construct state-of-the-art machine learning models, train them, and analyze trained models + glycan representations. It currently contains the following modules:


contains functions for training machine learning models


 EarlyStopping (patience=7, verbose=False)

Early stops the training if validation loss doesn’t improve after a given patience.


 train_model (model, dataloaders, criterion, optimizer, scheduler,
              num_epochs=25, patience=50, mode='classification',

*trains a deep learning model on predicting glycan properties

model (PyTorch object): graph neural network (such as SweetNet) for analyzing glycans
dataloaders (PyTorch object): dictionary of dataloader objects with keys ‘train’ and ‘val’
criterion (PyTorch object): PyTorch loss function
optimizer (PyTorch object): PyTorch optimizer
scheduler (PyTorch object): PyTorch learning rate decay
num_epochs (int): number of epochs for training; default:25
patience (int): number of epochs without improvement until early stop; default:50
mode (string): ‘classification’, ‘multilabel’, or ‘regression’; default:classification
mode2 (string): further specifying classification into ‘multi’ or ‘binary’ classification;default:multi
Returns the best model seen during training*


 training_setup (model, lr, lr_patience=4, factor=0.2,
                 weight_decay=0.0001, mode='multiclass', num_classes=2,

*prepares optimizer, learning rate scheduler, and loss criterion for model training

model (PyTorch object): graph neural network (such as SweetNet) for analyzing glycans
lr (float): learning rate
lr_patience (int): number of epochs without validation loss improvement before reducing the learning rate;default:4
factor (float): factor by which learning rate is multiplied upon reduction
weight_decay (float): regularization parameter for the optimizer; default:0.001
mode (string): ‘multiclass’: classification with multiple classes, ‘multilabel’: predicting several labels at the same time, ‘binary’:binary classification, ‘regression’: regression; default:‘multiclass’
num_classes (int): number of classes; only used when mode == ‘multiclass’ or ‘multilabel’
gsam_alpha (float): if higher than zero, uses GSAM instead of SAM for the optimizer
Returns optimizer, learning rate scheduler, and loss criterion objects*


 train_ml_model (X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, mode='classification',
                 feature_calc=False, return_features=False,
                 feature_set=['known', 'exhaustive'],

*wrapper function to train standard machine learning models on glycans

X_train, X_test (list or dataframe): either lists of glycans (needs feature_calc = True) or motif dataframes such as from annotate_dataset
y_train, y_test (list): lists of labels
mode (string): ‘classification’ or ‘regression’; default:‘classification’
feature_calc (bool): set to True for calculating motifs from glycans; default:False
return_features (bool): whether to return calculated features; default:False
feature_set (list): which feature set to use for annotations, add more to list to expand; default:[‘known’,‘exhaustive’]; options are: ‘known’ (hand-crafted glycan features), ‘graph’ (structural graph features of glycans), and ‘exhaustive’ (all mono- and disaccharide features)
additional_features_train (dataframe): additional features (apart from glycans) to be used for training. Has to be of the same length as X_train; default:None
additional_features_test (dataframe): additional features (apart from glycans) to be used for evaluation. Has to be of the same length as X_test; default:None
Returns trained model*
human = [1 if k == 'Homo_sapiens' else 0 for k in df_species[df_species.Order=='Primates'].Species.values.tolist()]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = general_split(df_species[df_species.Order=='Primates'].glycan.values.tolist(), human)
model_ft, _, X_test = train_ml_model(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, feature_calc = True, feature_set = ['terminal'],
                         return_features = True)

Calculating Glycan Features...

Training model...

Evaluating model...
Accuracy of trained model on separate validation set: 0.8722222222222222


 analyze_ml_model (model)

*plots relevant features for model prediction

model (model object): trained machine learning model from train_ml_model*


 get_mismatch (model, X_test, y_test, n=10)

*analyzes misclassifications of trained machine learning model

model (model object): trained machine learning model from train_ml_model
X_test (dataframe): motif dataframe used for validating model
y_test (list): list of labels
n (int): number of returned misclassifications; default:10
Returns tuples of misclassifications and their predicted probability*
get_mismatch(model_ft, X_test, y_test)
[('Gal(b1-4)GlcNAc(b1-6)[Gal(b1-3)]Gal(b1-4)Glc-ol', 0.8661944270133972),
 ('Neu5Ac(a2-8)Neu5Ac(a2-3)Gal(b1-4)Glc1Cer', 0.8540824055671692),
 ('Gal(b1-4)Glc-ol', 0.7748590111732483),
 ('Gal(b1-3)GlcNAc(b1-3)Gal(b1-4)Glc-ol', 0.812296450138092),
 ('Fuc(a1-4)GlcNAc(b1-3)Gal(b1-4)[Fuc(a1-3)]Glc-ol', 0.8908309936523438),


describes some examples for machine learning architectures applicable to glycans. The main portal is prep_models which allows users to setup (trained) models by their string names


 SweetNet (lib_size, num_classes:int=1, hidden_dim:int=128)

*given glycan graphs as input, predicts properties via a graph neural network

lib_size (int): number of unique tokens for graph nodes; usually len(lib)
num_classes (int): number of output classes; only >1 for multilabel classification; default:1
Returns batch-wise predictions*


 LectinOracle (input_size_glyco, hidden_size=128, num_classes=1,
               data_min=-11.355, data_max=23.892, input_size_prot=1280)

*given glycan graphs and protein representations as input, predicts protein-glycan binding

input_size_glyco (int): number of unique tokens for graph nodes; usually len(lib)
hidden_size (int): layer size for the graph convolutions; default:128
num_classes (int): number of output classes; only >1 for multilabel classification; default:1
data_min (float): minimum observed value in training data; default: -11.355
data_max (float): maximum observed value in training data; default: 23.892
input_size_prot (int): dimensionality of protein representations used as input; default:1280
Returns batch-wise predictions*


 LectinOracle_flex (input_size_glyco, hidden_size=128, num_classes=1,
                    data_min=-11.355, data_max=23.892,

*given glycan graphs and protein sequences as input, predicts protein-glycan binding

input_size_glyco (int): number of unique tokens for graph nodes; usually len(lib)
hidden_size (int): layer size for the graph convolutions; default:128
num_classes (int): number of output classes; only >1 for multilabel classification; default:1
data_min (float): minimum observed value in training data; default: -11.355
data_max (float): maximum observed value in training data; default: 23.892
input_size_prot (int): maximum length of protein sequence for padding/cutting; default:1000
Returns batch-wise predictions*


 NSequonPred ()

*given an ESM1b representation of N and 20 AA up + downstream, predicts whether it’s a sequon

Returns batch-wise predictions*


 init_weights (model, mode='sparse', sparsity=0.1)

*initializes linear layers of PyTorch model with a weight initialization

model (Pytorch object): neural network (such as SweetNet) for analyzing glycans
mode (string): which initialization algorithm; choices are ‘sparse’,‘kaiming’,‘xavier’;default:‘sparse’
sparsity (float): proportion of sparsity after initialization; default:0.1 / 10%*


 prep_model (model_type:Literal['SweetNet','LectinOracle','LectinOracle_fl
             ex','NSequonPred'], num_classes:int, libr=None,
             trained=False, hidden_dim:int=128)

*wrapper to instantiate model, initialize it, and put it on the GPU

model_type (string): string indicating the type of model
num_classes (int): number of unique classes for classification
libr (dict): dictionary of form glycoletter:index
trained (bool): whether to use pretrained model; default:False
hidden_dim (int): hidden dimension for the model (currently only for SweetNet); default:128
Returns PyTorch model object*


contains helper functions to prepare glycan data for model training


 dataset_to_graphs (glycan_list, labels, libr=None,

*wrapper function to convert a whole list of glycans into a graph dataset

glycan_list (list): list of IUPAC-condensed glycan sequences as strings
labels (list): list of labels
libr (dict): dictionary of form glycoletter:index
label_type (torch object): which tensor type for label, default is torch.long for binary labels, change to torch.float for continuous
Returns list of node list / edge list / label list data tuples*
                  "Fuc(a1-2)Gal(b1-3)GalNAc"], [1, 0])
[Data(edge_index=[2, 8], labels=[5], string_labels=[5], num_nodes=5, y=1),
 Data(edge_index=[2, 8], labels=[5], string_labels=[5], num_nodes=5, y=0)]


 dataset_to_dataloader (glycan_list, labels, libr=None, batch_size=32,
                        shuffle=True, drop_last=False, extra_feature=None,
                        label_type=torch.int64, augment_prob=0.0,

*wrapper function to convert glycans and labels to a torch_geometric DataLoader

glycan_list (list): list of IUPAC-condensed glycan sequences as strings
labels (list): list of labels
libr (dict): dictionary of form glycoletter:index
batch_size (int): how many samples should be in each batch; default:32
shuffle (bool): if samples should be shuffled when making dataloader; default:True
drop_last (bool): whether last batch is dropped; default:False
extra_feature (list): can be used to feed another input to the dataloader; default:None
label_type (torch object): which tensor type for label, default is torch.long for binary labels, change to torch.float for continuous
augment_prob (float): probability (0-1) of applying data augmentation to each datapoint; default:0.
generalization_prob (float): the probability (0-1) of wildcarding for every single monosaccharide/linkage; default: 0.2
Returns a dataloader object used for training deep learning models*
                                 "Fuc(a1-2)Gal(b1-3)GalNAc"], [1, 0])))
DataBatch(edge_index=[2, 16], labels=[10], string_labels=[2], num_nodes=10, y=[2], batch=[10], ptr=[3])


 split_data_to_train (glycan_list_train, glycan_list_val, labels_train,
                      labels_val, libr=None, batch_size=32,
                      drop_last=False, extra_feature_train=None,
                      extra_feature_val=None, label_type=torch.int64,
                      augment_prob=0.0, generalization_prob=0.2)

*wrapper function to convert split training/test data into dictionary of dataloaders

glycan_list_train (list): list of IUPAC-condensed glycan sequences as strings
glycan_list_val (list): list of IUPAC-condensed glycan sequences as strings
labels_train (list): list of labels
labels_val (list): list of labels
libr (dict): dictionary of form glycoletter:index
batch_size (int): how many samples should be in each batch; default:32
drop_last (bool): whether last batch is dropped; default:False
extra_feature_train (list): can be used to feed another input to the dataloader; default:None
extra_feature_val (list): can be used to feed another input to the dataloader; default:None
label_type (torch object): which tensor type for label, default is torch.long for binary labels, change to torch.float for continuous
augment_prob (float): probability (0-1) of applying data augmentation to each datapoint; default:0.
generalization_prob (float): the probability (0-1) of wildcarding for every single monosaccharide/linkage; default: 0.2
Returns a dictionary of dataloaders for training and testing deep learning models*
split_data_to_train(["Neu5Ac(a2-3)Gal(b1-4)Glc", "Fuc(a1-2)Gal(b1-3)GalNAc"],
                    ["Neu5Ac(a2-6)Gal(b1-4)Glc", "Fuc(a1-2)Gal(a1-3)GalNAc"],
                    [1, 0], [0,1])
{'train': <torch_geometric.loader.dataloader.DataLoader>,
 'val': <torch_geometric.loader.dataloader.DataLoader>}


>can be used to analyze trained models, make predictions, or obtain glycan representations


 glycans_to_emb (glycans, model, libr=None, batch_size=32, rep=True,

*Returns a dataframe of learned representations for a list of glycans

glycans (list): list of glycans in IUPAC-condensed as strings
model (PyTorch object): trained graph neural network (such as SweetNet) for analyzing glycans
libr (dict): dictionary of form glycoletter:index
batch_size (int): change to batch_size used during training; default:32
rep (bool): True returns representations, False returns actual predicted labels; default is True
class_list (list): list of unique classes to map predictions
Returns dataframe of learned representations (columns) for each glycan (rows)*


 get_lectin_preds (prot, glycans, model, prot_dic=None,
                   background_correction=False, correction_df=None,
                   batch_size=128, libr=None, sort=True, flex=False)

*Wrapper that uses LectinOracle-type model for predicting binding of protein to glycans

prot (string): protein amino acid sequence
glycans (list): list of glycans in IUPACcondensed
model (PyTorch object): trained LectinOracle-type model
prot_dic (dictionary): dictionary of type protein sequence:ESM1b representation
background_correction (bool): whether to correct predictions for background; default:False
correction_df (dataframe): background prediction for (ideally) all provided glycans; default:V4 correction file
batch_size (int): change to batch_size used during training; default:128
libr (dict): dictionary of form glycoletter:index
sort (bool): whether to sort prediction results descendingly; default:True
flex (bool): depends on whether you use LectinOracle (False) or LectinOracle_flex (True); default:False
Returns dataframe of glycan sequences and predicted binding to prot*


 get_Nsequon_preds (prots, model, prot_dic)

*Predicts whether an N-sequon will be glycosylated

prots (list): list of protein sequences (strings), in the form of 20 AA + N + 20 AA; replace missing sequence with corr. number of ‘z’
model (PyTorch object): trained NSequonPred-type model
prot_dic (dictionary): dictionary of type protein sequence:ESM1b representation
Returns dataframe of protein sequences and predicted likelihood of being an N-sequon*


 get_esm1b_representations (prots, model, alphabet)

*Retrieves ESM1b representations of protein for using them as input for LectinOracle

prots (list): list of protein sequences (strings) that should be converted
model (ESM1b object): trained ESM1b model; from running esm.pretrained.esm1b_t33_650M_UR50S()
alphabet (ESM1b object): used for converting sequences; from running esm.pretrained.esm1b_t33_650M_UR50S()
Returns dictionary of the form protein sequence:ESM1b representation*

In order to run get_esm1b_representations, you first have to run this snippet:

!pip install fair-esm import esm model, alphabet = esm.pretrained.esm1b_t33_650M_UR50S()


contains various data split functions to get appropriate training and test sets


 hierarchy_filter (df_in, rank='Domain', min_seq=5, wildcard_seed=False,
                   wildcard_list=None, wildcard_name=None, r=0.1,

*stratified data split in train/test at the taxonomic level, removing duplicate glycans and infrequent classes

df_in (dataframe): dataframe of glycan sequences and taxonomic labels
rank (string): which rank should be filtered; default:‘domain’
min_seq (int): how many glycans need to be present in class to keep it; default:5
wildcard_seed (bool): set to True if you want to seed wildcard glycoletters; default:False
wildcard_list (list): list which glycoletters a wildcard encompasses
wildcard_name (string): how the wildcard should be named in the IUPAC-condensed nomenclature
r (float): rate of replacement, default:0.1 or 10%
col (string): column name for glycan sequences; default:glycan
Returns train_x, val_x (lists of glycans (strings) after stratified shuffle split)
train_y, val_y (lists of taxonomic labels (mapped integers))
id_val (taxonomic labels in text form (strings))
class_list (list of unique taxonomic classes (strings))
class_converter (dictionary to map mapped integers back to text labels)*
train_x, val_x, train_y, val_y, id_val, class_list, class_converter = hierarchy_filter(df_species,
                                                                                       rank = 'Kingdom')
['ManNAcA4Me6N(b1-3)[Pse5Am7Gc(b2-4)]ManNAcA(b1-4)[Gal4Me(a1-2)]D-Fuc(a1-4)[Xyl(a1-3)]GlcA(b1-3)[Dig(b1-2)]Gal', '[Man(a1-2)]Man(a1-6)Man(a1-6)Man(a1-6)[Man(a1-2)]Man(a1-6)Man(a1-6)Man', 'Neu5Ac(a2-?)Gal(b1-4)GlcNAc(b1-2)Man(a1-3)[Man(a1-2)Man(a1-6)[Man(a1-3)]Man(a1-6)]Man(b1-4)GlcNAc(b1-4)[Fuc(a1-6)]GlcNAc', 'Glc(b1-3)Glc(b1-3)Glc(b1-3)Glc(b1-3)[Glc(b1-6)]Glc(b1-4)[Glc(b1-4)Glc(b1-6)]Glc(b1-6)[Glc(b1-4)]Glc(b1-6)Glc(b1-6)Glc(b1-6)Glc(b1-3)Glc', 'Ribf3Ac(b1-3)Ribf(b1-5)Kdo(a2-2)Ribf3Ac', 'Fuc(a1-2)[GalNAc(a1-3)]Gal(b1-3)GlcNAc(b1-3)[GlcNAc(b1-6)]Gal(b1-3)GlcNAc(b1-3)Gal(b1-4)Glc1Cer', '[GlcNAc(a1-4)]GalA2Ac(a1-3)GalA6Ala(a1-3)GlcNAc(a1-3)GalA2Ac', 'Gal(a1-3)Gal(b1-4)GlcNAc(b1-2)Man(a1-3)[Gal(b1-4)GlcNAc(b1-2)Man(a1-6)]Man(b1-4)GlcNAc(b1-4)[Fuc(a1-6)]GlcNAc', 'Glc(a1-4)GlcNAcA(b1-4)GlcNAc(a1-4)ManNAcA(b1-6)Glc', 'Neu5Ac(a2-3)Gal(b1-4)GlcNAc(b1-4)[GalOS(b1-4)GlcNAc(b1-2)]Man(a1-3)[Neu5Ac(a2-3)Gal(b1-4)GlcNAc(b1-2)[Neu5Ac(a2-3)Gal(b1-4)GlcNAc(b1-6)]Man(a1-6)]Man(b1-4)GlcNAc(b1-4)[Fuc(a1-6)]GlcNAc']


 general_split (glycans, labels, test_size=0.2)

*splits glycans and labels into train / test sets

glycans (list): list of IUPAC-condensed glycan sequences as strings
labels (list): list of labels used for prediction
test_size (float): % size of test set; default:0.2 / 20%
Returns X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test*
train_x, val_x, train_y, val_y = general_split(df_species.glycan.values.tolist(),
['GlcNAc(b1-2)[GlcNAc(b1-4)]Man(a1-3)[GlcNAc(b1-2)Man(a1-6)][GlcNAc(b1-4)]Man(b1-4)GlcNAc(b1-4)[Fuc(a1-6)]GlcNAc', 'Fuc(a1-2)[GalNAc(a1-3)]Gal(b1-?)GlcNAc6S(b1-6)[Fuc(a1-2)[GalNAc(a1-3)]Gal(b1-3)]GalNAc', 'Neu5Ac(a2-?)GalNAc(b1-4)GlcNAc(b1-2)Man(a1-3)[Gal(b1-4)[Neu5Ac(a2-?)]GlcNAc(b1-2)Man(a1-6)]Man(b1-4)GlcNAc(b1-4)[Fuc(a1-6)]GlcNAc', 'Glc(a1-4)Glc(a1-4)[Glc(a1-4)Glc(a1-4)Glc(a1-6)]Glc(a1-4)Glc', 'Gal(b1-4)GlcNAc(b1-2)Man(a1-3)[Gal(b1-4)GlcNAc(b1-2)Man(a1-6)]Man(b1-4)GlcNAc(b1-4)GlcNAc', 'Fuc(a1-2)Gal(b1-4)Glc-ol', 'Neu5Gc(a2-8)Neu5Ac(a2-6)[Gal(b1-3)]GalNAc', 'Glc(b1-4)Rha(b1-3)[Glc(a1-6)]Gal', 'Glc6Ac(b1-2)Glc1Ole6Ac(b1-4)Glc6Ac', 'Neu5Ac(a2-3)[GalNAc(b1-4)]Gal(b1-4)Glc-ol']


 prepare_multilabel (df, rank='Species', glycan_col='glycan')

*converts a one row per glycan-species/tissue/disease association file to a format of one glycan - all associations

df (dataframe): dataframe where each row is one glycan - species association
rank (string): which label column should be used; default:Species
glycan_col (string): column name of where the glycan sequences are stored; default:glycan
(1) list of unique glycans in df
(2) list of lists, where each inner list are all the labels of a glycan*